Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's has claimed my grandmothers' as victims. I am always working to fight for both causes and this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 

Breast Cancer will be detected in one out of every female born. Women are more at risk: the older they get; the more alcohol they consume; if there is a history of Breast Cancer in their family and if they are of African-American descent. 

This is the 20th Anniversary of the Women's Only 5K Walk/Run in Greensboro, North Carolina to raise money for screenings in the community! It is important that everyone starts screening as early as possible, I believe the age of eligibility varies depending on the medical insurance. 

My grandmother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease for about five years now.  She was the first housewife I ever met. She showed me how to run a household, how to be attentive to a man (my grandfather) and how to be an entrepreneur - she ran a childcare service out of the house. My grandmother taught me how to cook my first few dishes - scrambled eggs, eggplant ptarmigan and  sweet potato pie.

She was also the first person I knew who was a Cancer (Breast) Survivor!

The older I grew the more I found out about my grandmother as a woman. I found out that she had a bout with Breast Cancer that left her with a long lasting scar that made her insecure. She has overcome Breast Cancer but her brother died of Lung Cancer and her sister died of Leukemia. I am so happy that I still have my grandmother!

Every year my mother and I participate in the Women's Only 5K Run/Walk here in Greensboro, North Carolina and hosted by Moses Cone's Women's Hospital. All funds being raised sponsors pre-screening for women (mammograms). The walk is always the first Saturday in October, I will be there this Saturday, October 6th at 7am. We always run/walk for Grandma.

Three years ago we were able to convince my Grandmother to walk with us. It was a struggle for her but that's just because it was hot, and her legs are so short!

Now that she has accepted that she has Alzheimer's she is more open about being a Breast Cancer survivor.

Right now there is no cure but there is an opportunity for early detection...and with early detection we can have more survivors of Breast Cancer and fewer lives lost!