Saturday, June 11, 2011

Walk to the End

This morning, Mommy, Zoey and I attended the Alzheimer's Association's Walk to the End, Alzheimer's Walk at Center City Park in downtown Greensboro.
Mommy and Zoey

Center City Park

There seemed to be a great turnout, there were many teams of people. Some of the people were walking with their loved one who had been diagnosed:

Team David, walking with David, who looked great and had the warmest smile!

Another local family, Maw Maw's Alz Stars...great team name guys!!
I was pleased to see representation from Nana's facility, Greensboro Place. If someone is willing to give up their Saturday morning for the cause, they must care. There were many care providers represented at the walk.
Some of the dedicated folks from the
Golden Living Center

Scott and Lori from the Western Carolina Chapter
in Charlotte, NC

I was also able to speak with Scott and Lori from the Alzheimer's Association and hopefully I will be working with my local chapter in the future.

Did you know that African-Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's as Caucasians and Latin-Americans are 1.5 times as likely? Well a genetic study is being done at North Carolina A&T State University to locate the gene being expressed in individuals with Alzheimer's disease. I encourage everyone over 65 to apply, Mommy and I signed Nana and Grandma up for the study!

There were other organizations present, supporting the event. Almost everyone knows of someone with Alzheimer's disease.

Greensboro Harley Motorcycle Club led us in the walk

Some of the members from the Climax Masonic Lodge #832

Encore Lead Entertainment performed "We Will Rock You"
before the start of the walk

I am ready to take the next step towards the cure. It was refreshing to see everyone come out to show their support and love for their family members.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of my family members dedication. God bless you


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